Budget Quality Painting, LLC
Estimate Cost

Estimate Cost

At Budget Quality Painting, we’ll try to give you an upfront transparent estimate as much as possible. All measurements of your building will be used from the public records.

Here’s is how we calculate the cost of your project:
Price include high quality paint, such as Behr or Sherwin Williams. If you rather get the paint yourself to match the colors of your choice, we’ll happy to deduct the cost of paint upon receipts.

Interior Painting:
Walls Only $1.5/SQFT
Walls, Ceiling & Trim, One Color: $2/SQFT
Walls, Ceiling & Trim, Two Colors: 2.25/SQFT

Example Estimate:
1500 SQFT home with 1 color Walls, Ceiling & Trim would cost $3000
1500 SQFT home with Walls, Ceiling & Trim with 2 chosen colors would cost $3375

Condition of your walls – (This is based on 1500 SQFT house!)
Very good
– looks new and requires no patching or wall repairs. No additional charge
Good – has minor cosmetic defects that requires minor patching – $200
Fair – has some cracking or peeling that may require filling and patching – $350
Poor – Surfaces severely deteriorated may require paint stripping – $500

Exterior Painting:

Power Wash: $195 (mandatory)
Walls & Trim, Two Colors: $2/SQFT
Walls & Trim, Three Colors: 2.25/SQFT

Example Estimate: 1500 SQFT home with 2 colors would cost $3195

Please go to our main page and submit a form to get a Quote from us. We’re here to serve you!